Motif XF8 — The company «ALT Sound +» - Soud equipment

Motif XF8

Motif XF8
Motif XF8


  • ManufacturerYAMAHA


  • Comprehensive high sound quality, including an enormous 741MB of waveforms including an additional 128 Voices and 8 drum kits, for a total of 1,353 high-quality Voices
  • Up to 2GB of additional content available through separately sold flash memory
  • Realization of unique instrument performance methods through the XA (Expanded Articulation) tone generation system
  • Reproduction of the unique, natural, warm sounds of vintage instruments through VCM effects
  • 88 key Balanced Hammer weighted action with initial and aftertouch
  • Including an enormous 741MB of waveforms including an additional 128 Voices and 8 drum kits, for a total of 1,353 high-quality Voices